Join us for a rebellious rock night in Glasgow! ROCK MUSIC #7 at Nexth INXA Plaza, 21:00. Get ready to rock!


Glasgow, Scotland
Nexth INXA Plaza
21:00, Cocktail
Dress Code: [ Rock Punk ]
Event Code: [ Queen of Art ]
Featuring DJs:
Rock N Roll Bambino


Nexth City iRadio 2023 - ROCK MUSIC #7: A Night of Rebellious Rhythms in Glasgow


Glasgow, Scotland, is about to ignite with the raw energy of Nexth City iRadio's ROCK MUSIC #7 event. This electrifying night is set to take place at Nexth INXA Plaza, commencing at 21:00, and it comes with an invitation to an exclusive cocktail reception. The dress code for this event is "Rock Punk," and to secure your entry, you'll need the event code "Queen of Art."


Prepare for an unforgettable journey through the world of rock music, as two extraordinary DJs take the stage:


DJ Laurinda: A name synonymous with musical mastery, Laurinda is renowned for her ability to weave together rock classics and contemporary hits, creating a dynamic sonic experience that captivates all in attendance.


Rock N Roll Bambino: A maestro of rock and roll, Rock N Roll Bambino is known for infusing his sets with an unparalleled passion for the genre, making every beat feel like a rebellious anthem.


But what's rock music without the remarkable artists who will be performing live at ROCK MUSIC #7? Here's a glimpse into the lineup:


Ofer Koren: With his electric guitar, Ofer Koren's blazing solos will transport you to the heart of rock 'n' roll.


James Forest: A charismatic vocalist and frontman, James Forest's stage presence is magnetic, and his lyrics will resonate with your soul.


Raw: A band known for their powerful sound, Raw's edgy performance is sure to leave a mark.


Juan Arencibia: This virtuoso on the drums will drive the rhythm of the night, keeping the audience on their feet.


Katrina Stone: A rock diva in her own right, Katrina Stone's vocals will send shivers down your spine.


Hey Judy: The embodiment of indie rock, Hey Judy's melodic tunes will echo in your heart.


Jane & The Boy: Their harmonious sound is a testament to the beauty of rock's versatility, captivating with every note.


Assaf Ayalon: A rocker with soul, Assaf Ayalon's unique style adds depth and complexity to the music.


Dollshade: With their gritty sound and powerful lyrics, Dollshade will make an indelible impression.


No Cigar: The night's closing act, No Cigar, promises to take the energy to its peak with their explosive performance.



ROCK MUSIC #7 is not just a concert; it's a statement. Glasgow, with its rich musical history, is the perfect setting for this evening of rebellion, self-expression, and rock 'n' roll spirit. The city's vibrant culture and love for music blend seamlessly with the event's ethos.


As the night unfolds and the artists take the stage, you'll find yourself immersed in a world of rebellious rhythms, where every note feels like an act of defiance against the mundane. It's a testament to the power of rock music, where emotions are unleashed and the spirit of rebellion is celebrated.


So, if you're in Glasgow and you're ready to embrace the spirit of rock, mark your calendar for Nexth City iRadio 2023 - ROCK MUSIC #7. This event is your invitation to a night of music, passion, and the unapologetic celebration of the rock genre.


Whether you're a die-hard rock aficionado or someone looking to discover the raw, untamed beauty of rock music, this event promises an evening of unadulterated energy and a deep connection to the heart and soul of rock. ROCK MUSIC #7 is not just a concert; it's a rebellion against the ordinary, and it's an experience you won't want to miss.






[00:00] 1. Ofer Koren - Let the Good Times Roll
[02:18] 2. James Forest - Queen of Art
[10:25] 3. Raw - Rainbow
[12:53] 4. Juan Arencibia - Short Sweet
[16:20] 5. Katrina Stone - Bubbles
[20:09] 6. Hey Judy - Hands Up
[22:40] 7. Hey Judy - March 2
[25:11] 8. Jane & The Boy - Backwards
[28:16] 9. Assaf Ayalon - It Blows My Mind
[30:22] 10. Dollshade - Did It to Myself
[33:25] 11. Jane & The Boy - I'd Rather Cry
[36:22] 12. No Cigar - Over It



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Nexth City iRadio 2023, hosted by DJ Laurinda. Powered by the [] ecosystem, is a dynamic fusion of music, culture, and innovation. It's a cutting-edge radio experience that redefines the future of audio entertainment.